
He is Calling

He is Calling

Photo by Javier Cruz Acosta

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Photo by Javier Cruz Acosta

In high school my favorite class was drafting. I enjoyed creating, the attention to detail, even the paper and pencils. I wanted to become an architect so that I could design and build things, this was the first hint of a calling. An Associates in Civil Construction landed my first job as an engineering aide with TVA at a nuclear plant, and 8 years later an Associates in Computer Drafting and Design led to 30 years in that field.

Early on the Lord put on my heart another desire to help people in need, so I started volunteering in church and then with Habitat for Humanity in Roane County in my 20’s. I noticed that Habitat built houses mostly for families with children, often leaving the elderly to pay high rent and utility bills that they couldn’t afford. I wanted to do something about this need. My second hint.

Today I’m building with words – a blog about how God has called me to step into his perfect plan for my life. One way to know if it is God calling you to do something is if it seems way too big or even “impossible”. You see I’m not a writer by any means nor do I possess the natural abilities to manage big projects. He is the source by which I have accomplished this and the one opening doors; I needed only to walk through them in faith.

The vision the Lord gave me was to start a nonprofit ministry with two wings. A Place To Call Home will build a community of small duplexes for the elderly with an outdoor shared area. A Ride To Work will provide vehicles to allow people to start their own business or transportation to an existing job. To see God’s plan go to comewithopenarms.org.

Why did it take me forty years to get here? Lack of prayer and God’s word, lies, fear and distractions.

• I rarely opened my bible so I only heard scriptures at church on Sunday. Praying when I had a desperate problem or when asked to pray for a certain issue.

• Believing lies from the enemy that God was far away, that I was completely unworthy and that my purpose in life was only to strive to follow the moral laws I had been taught.

• Fear of failure and of the loneliness that I perceived would soon follow stood in my way like a brick wall and it was keeping God on the other side. I thought that success in any endeavor depended solely on my own knowledge and abilities.

• Distractions included: searching for acceptance, love, security and recognition by doing many good things for my family, friends and the church. I also tried to forget and hide my unhappiness.

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you. (John 14:16-17)

I hope that “He is Calling” will encourage you to practice listening to the Holy Spirit promptings to find your purpose and at the same time bring awareness to the needs of others. This could be just the help they need to follow their own calling. Tune in later for more blogs to analyze each of these obstacles and more. We can delve into things like: why Jesus is calling, what keeps us from listening for his voice, and then what steps we can take to use these very stumbling blocks as stepping stones. 

I will also be using blogs from guest writers and sharing the gospel with the hope that all people would find and embrace the love, joy, and peace that Jesus Christ so freely gives through a relationship with Him. I welcome your comments and would cherish your prayers.

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If you would like to know more about asking Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, I hope you will send me a personal message on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/comewithopenarms or
an email to info@comewithopenarms.org.

About me
Brenda Hale lives in Kingston, TN and is a single mom of an awesome young man. Growing up my family was blessed to own a house with seven kids in two bedrooms and lots of bunk beds. We had not heard of Minimalism, but we were living it.
At my day job I use computer drafting to design/draw and then operate a CNC milling machine to modify and make things for our customers. The Lord helps me every day with the challenges and I love my job!
It was a wonderful surprise when I felt a calling to start a nonprofit ministry with two wings: to build small duplexes for the elderly to call home and provide vehicles to allow people to start their own business or to have a ride to work.
I am praying that this blog will encourage you to listen every day so you won’t miss your calling and then to walk with Jesus down the path to your purpose in this life.